God works in mysterious, incredible ways. My life is just one example.
Dominican Republic
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Vaccination Week and Christmas Project
well, sorry that these posts are coming so fast, but i had a lot going on this week, and the weekend is when i have time to share it with you all!! after this there probably won't be one till next weekend. : )
well, like i said, we had vaccinations for ANIJA, the ark, constanza, and a few different barrios around. it was fun to have my office turned into a nurse station for a day! i was there for the ark and ANIJA vaccinations on tuesday, and then the piedra blanca barrio on friday. in between i was working on the christmas sponsorship project, which i sent out this saturday. for the vaccinations, we had two wonderful nurses - kristy and kristen - who flew in from the states for the week. i was quite excited by it all, since i am planning on getting my BSN in nursing now, i learned a ton about vaccines, and how to give them. yes, i gave vaccinations!! haha, it was such a cool experience, especially cause i know i'd never be able to do something like that in the states, without training. i also gave oral polio drops at the ark, until we ran out. the funniest thing about doing vaccinations here is the conditions. everything about nursing in the states is about sanitation and stuff, i think the health board would be horrified if the saw the way things are done here. : ) when doing the barrios, we basically walked up to people and asked them if they'd been vaccinated, and then gave them the shot right there, if they hadn't. people would just be sitting on their motorcycles, or on the dirt road, and we'd just whip out a needle right there and stick it in. we did have the yellow box to put the contaminated needles in, so that was good. when we needed more, jessi just reconstituted them right on the road.....there's a picture of her sitting there doing it out of our handheld cooler. so anyways, what an experience, one i'm sure i'll never have in nursing school!
then we had the christmas project. it went well, though crazy sometimes, i had about 100-some kids to do it with, and each of them have 1-3 sponsors to make the project for. needless to say, i think it was a miracle that we ended up getting a project out to every single sponsor! but God is good, and even though it's a mad house trying to get these kids to do a craft together, it is also probably one of the most fun things to do. so it's out and done, and soon i'll be thinking about the easter project! but i've got a couple of weeks to catch up on everything else, so that's good. i guess that's about all i have to tell......i'm posting another video of everyone doing the project at the ark......this one was MUCH calmer than the anija one, we had a lot of helpers for that one, and the kids weren't quite so young, hahaha. well, i hope you all have a good week, thanks so much for your emails and prayers, i am praying for all of you that God would use you each in another's life this week. God bless!! ~allison
alison what you r doing is wonderful. your touching so many peoples lives each day it touched my heart just reading about your work.you have become an amazing woman a true work of good. goodbless you and all u r doing
At 6:02 PM,
marie said…
alison what you r doing is wonderful. your touching so many peoples lives each day it touched my heart just reading about your work.you have become an amazing woman a true work of good. goodbless you and all u r doing
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