palo blanco
hello everyone! wow, another whole week has
gone by since i've posted, i meant to have a new one up much sooner! time sure does fly.......
ok, well this entry will be really fun for those of you who were on the first dominican trip with me......2 or 3 years ago? i finally got to go out and visit palo blanco, and wow, is it looking great!! for those of you who weren't with me, this was our project when i first experienced DR, and last time i saw it, it was basically a pile of concrete bricks! : ) anyways, i thought it would be fun for you all to see how it's looking today.
things are going well at the school, i just gave a test in the 5-8 english grades, and they did alright.....i'm hoping they do even better next time, but for never listening, i think they did swell. please pray that the kids would try a little harder, telling them to be quiet all the time in class gets very wearing. also, if you could pray for the curriculum/other teacher in grades 1-4, it's very difficult to work with him, as he actually speaks hardly any english himself, and there really isn't any curriculum that we're working from at all.....basically just throwing lessons together each day at a time. yikes....i'm praying about whether this would be a good project for me, but it's hard, because i don't really want to take writing an english curriculum into my own hands.....i'm not really a teacher! but if God wants me to, i'm sure He'll give me the means. anyways, thanks for praying, here are the pictures!!
ok, here it is! all finished and beautiful......and now they're getting that top story done! (remember hearing about it, and it seemed so far away?)

here's kids actually eating in that cafeteria we painted......and where us girls made our own little choir group : )

anna and i, de-licing some of the girl's hair. it's actually not as bad as it sounds....

remember putting in all those electrical wires and sockets? they work!!!

and of course, that wonderful, beautiful, unforgettable ride to palo blanco; the best view of the dominican countryside from the back of a motorcycle.......and also jonathan's head

ok, well this entry will be really fun for those of you who were on the first dominican trip with me......2 or 3 years ago? i finally got to go out and visit palo blanco, and wow, is it looking great!! for those of you who weren't with me, this was our project when i first experienced DR, and last time i saw it, it was basically a pile of concrete bricks! : ) anyways, i thought it would be fun for you all to see how it's looking today.
things are going well at the school, i just gave a test in the 5-8 english grades, and they did alright.....i'm hoping they do even better next time, but for never listening, i think they did swell. please pray that the kids would try a little harder, telling them to be quiet all the time in class gets very wearing. also, if you could pray for the curriculum/other teacher in grades 1-4, it's very difficult to work with him, as he actually speaks hardly any english himself, and there really isn't any curriculum that we're working from at all.....basically just throwing lessons together each day at a time. yikes....i'm praying about whether this would be a good project for me, but it's hard, because i don't really want to take writing an english curriculum into my own hands.....i'm not really a teacher! but if God wants me to, i'm sure He'll give me the means. anyways, thanks for praying, here are the pictures!!

ok, here it is! all finished and beautiful......and now they're getting that top story done! (remember hearing about it, and it seemed so far away?)

here's kids actually eating in that cafeteria we painted......and where us girls made our own little choir group : )

anna and i, de-licing some of the girl's hair. it's actually not as bad as it sounds....

remember putting in all those electrical wires and sockets? they work!!!

and of course, that wonderful, beautiful, unforgettable ride to palo blanco; the best view of the dominican countryside from the back of a motorcycle.......and also jonathan's head
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