Back in the Dominican Republic!

Hello everyone!!! well, i hope you all had marvelous christmases, i must say, mine was splendid. had a wonderful and refreshing two-and-a-half weeks at home, seeing friends and family again, and getting to eat some delicious american foods, (which i will admit, i missed a lot -oh, the food and family, haha) then it was board a plane for the five hour flight back to DR, and here I am again, safe and sound after my first week! it was also very fun to see many of you over christmas, i must thank you again for all your prayers, they have meant and will mean so much to me in this next semester. i'm glad to say the transition has been super-smooth, almost natural now that i know and understand the ins and outs of daily life here, much better than when i first arrived. i'm completely swamped with sponsorship work - translating, record, and giving out christmas kid's christmas letters, filling out arrival/departure forms, updating new sponsors - it's mass chaos in the sponsorship office, but that's the way i love it! though of course, jonathan and i don't neglect to have cleaning parties once in awhile. : ) alright, then i have a sweet story for you, and an eventful, somewhat gruesome one. bad news first. you may be wondering why i'm modeling a bandage in the above picture, well! i had someone working on my motorcycle over christmas, and i came back with it working quite a lot better than when i left. wonderful thing, but i guess a well working vehicle is something one needs to get used to. not expecting the accelerator to react as quickly as it does now, i lost control off my bike for a few seconds, and while regaining control, pressed my right ankle against the overheated muffler, for how long i'm not quite sure. long enough, though, for me to sustain a 2nd degree burn there. however, God has blessed me enough to be living with a wonderful doctor, leslie trautwein, so she bandaged me up quite well and it's healing up good. i won't lie, it hurt like the dickens on the first night, but wonder of wonders, it hasn't really hurt since! as long as no one touches it, i don't feel a thing. definitely a work of God, as it sure would be a bummer to be lame for awhile.

At 11:17 AM,
dianne biehl said…
Ooooh! I saw your wound! Been worried about you on that motorcycle. God was protecting you since it was your ankle and not your head!
Hey you did a great job of conveying your passion for God's work in the DR at Hyacks.
Praying for you!
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