Alright, well, teaching has begun! i mostly teach english,
in all the english classes, and in my free periods i either help in PE, or i teach english to the PE teacher, Alberto. so, despite the fact that i am speaking spanish the whole day, i am actually very surrounded by the english language. it's very interesting to suddenly notice/understand things about your own language that you've never noticed before. pronunciation is something i'm really focusing on, as the other teachers are spanish speakers, and so they still speak with spanish accents. comparatively, the english language is very nasal (and somewhat ugly) compared to the openness of spanish, and the kids think it's really funny when i am teaching them to say 'r' and 'a' with their noses, as we do. but they're very good at it, and are learning quickly. aside from teaching and homeschooling (which is also going well), i have been assigned to the child support department, with the other intern, jonathan. this includes translating letters that the children recieve from their supporters, helping the children write english things back them, and brainstorming for fun info that the supporters might like to hear/see from the children. so all in all, i'm kept quite busy during the weeks, and really enjoying all that i have to do. lastly, i was reading My Utmost for His Highest, (which i highly recommend), and God really sent me a heart-check, reminding me why i'm here. and i learned that no matter where i am, i can be at home there, as long as i am being intentional about what God wants me to do there. so praise God, i feel like he's growing me every day. please pray that i continue being diligent in the homeschooling especially, i began to realize as i went along that, well, i'm not thirty, and i'm not totally ready to be in a stay-at-home situation; however, i'm determined to keep doing my work here in the afternoons, and i'll just have to learn patience and contentment.

Here I am teaching......i promise this wasn't staged, i was actually in the middle of teaching the children to say "What is your name?", when Micah Trautwein snapped a picture with my camera.... : )

....and here's the class i was teaching....

last but not least, these are the teachers i am working with: (left to right) Nojean teaches english kinder-4th, Elias teaches english 5th-8th, clearly i'm the white one in the middle, and Albertro is the gym teacher for everyone.
At 8:56 AM,
Rick Penney said…
Thanks for staying in touch. I'm sure you realize what an awesome opportunity you have, but let me just say that few people get a chance to make this sort of investment in the world, not to mention the skills and language practice you are aquiring. I am very encouraged to see you being the light of the world for your generation.
At 9:04 AM,
Fly Fishing Posse said…
Hey Allison
You fit right in as a teacher. I am so excited for you to use your English and Spanish speaking skills with the children there. May you learn patience and a greater understanding of what it is like to be a teacher. praise God for your work in serving Him
It is great to keep in touch. We will be having our first small group on Wednesday.Pray for us and the new student leaders!!!!!
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