The Unexpected Adventures of Allison

God works in mysterious, incredible ways. My life is just one example.

Dominican Republic

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Lice Week and Lovely Weekend

Hello everyone! well, what a wonderful week it's been! it was lice cleaning week at ANIJA, so for a couple days we went through all the classes checking for lice, and then washed the ones that had it. we set up a little station outside of the team house on campus, and jessi, josie, leslie and i got going with the washing. seriously, sometimes i felt like a monkey, picking through their hair looking for little moving things. hahaha. but we were actually pleasantly surprised by the amount of kids we had to do, probably only about 20-so had it, out of like 200 kids, so that was really good!

let's see, what else? a lot happened this week......we celebrated Dia de los Reyes, or King's Day, so we gave the kids presents and candy. they absolutely loved it, here's a lot of pictures of them and their gifts. these are, by the way, the gifts that i spent like a month wrapping, there were about 150 or so, and now they're finally out of the sponsorship office! : ) thanks to the people who sent those for the kids. other than that, i'm afraid i don't have a ton else to say, except that God continues to be good, and work in the lives of the children and missionaries here. this weekend jessi and i got to go to santiago for a little shopping, and there have a been a few teams here this week, so it's nice to relax after the busyness. i will continue to pray that God is doing his work in all your lives, and thank him for the work he's doing in mine. have a beautiful week of praising and serving Him in everything you do, and God bless!!



  • At 5:50 PM, Blogger Kelly said…

    these kids are SOOOOOOOOOO adorable! I just love seeing them! love you!


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