well, we are now headlong into a week of crazy business, getting ready for the summer program! the summer interns arriv

ed last night, and i spent the evening getting their house ready,

and making a big pot of spaghetti. but, i don't have any pictures of all that, and anyways, i thought i'd tell you all about my weekend - which is a little more relaxed story : )
on friday, Leona and i decided to go visit one of her students at palo. his parents both recently went their separate ways, due to some hard situations, and he is now living with the neighbor lady. he was so sad when we went to visit - even though their neighbor is a very sweet woman, she doesn't really have the means to care for him along with her other four children. so we asked if she would like us to take care of him for the weekend, and she didn't mind. that being done, we took him right along with us. it was so much fun being with him! after awhile he started to brighten up, and enjoy hanging out with us, and as you can see, after a fe

w hours and with some food in his tummy, he was a regular little boy full of laughter. he had to borrow all our clothes for the weekend, becuase his parents had left him without any, so we took him to the donation closets to pick out some school and play clothes. for most of saturday, we had nate and aaron over, played games, made pancakes, and told stories. angelo especially enjoyed being around older boys who would play with him - it reminded me how much these young boys in our programs need good ol

der-brother type role models!! i think one of the sweetest times was also when we were reading to him before he went to bed out of a picture bible, and he was just completely soaking it up, asking lots of questions and remembering every detail.
then the next day, we had to get to work on his little head, which was completely

infested with lice! aaron brought over his shaver, and we buzzed his hair, picked out the bugs, and then washed it with special shampoo. he was so excited to not be itchy anymore! plus he looked super handsome with is little haircut : ) it was definitely hard to take him back home on sunday, but all in all, he had a great weekend, that helped to lift his spirits - and impact mine even moreso! praise God for the blessing that children like angelo are in our lives.

well, aside from that, we're just getting really busy with summer readiness - the kids all finally come back to school for the summer program on monday! our training session went well, the interns are here, and every one is getting excited to get back to time with kids! hope God blesses all your weeks!
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