This past weekend was a long weekend because of the Dominican Independence Day. it's the first week that i am staying in the trautwein's house without them, as they are touring the states to raise more support. so for the weekend, my friend sara stayed with me, and we had a few motorcycle adventures, including getting caught in a downpour on the way back from visiting the campamiento. there was also a team here with a doctor on it, so we did another round of vaccinations at school, to finish up all the children. that was very fun, as i got to learn how to draw up the needles. (trying to get ahead on my nursing education : )
now, having just gotten through carnival month, i was hardly excited for mo

re dominican parties, celebrating independence - haha - but the ark really knew how to celebrate enjoyably. We had a giant sleepover, with all the boys camping out on the baseball field, and us girls staying in the big multi-use building. what a fun night!! we played games, went on a scavenger hunt around the ark, watched a movie together......and hardly slept a wink! but that group of girls is so special, everyone is fun and amazing in their own way, with all their special stories, and different personalities, i really enjoyed getting to know each one of them better. we opened another home at the Ark and rescued five new children in the loving arms of Hilda and Eric, the new house parents! it's always so exciting to see these children come into this new atmosphere, where they are safe, cared for, well fed, and loved. not to mention their excitement at recieving new things like clothes, toys, even toothbrushes light up their faces. there's nothing like it in the world, knowing that children really are being saved from horrible situations, to be brought up as children of God! hope ya'll have a great week.
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