Buenos dias todo, ?como estan? well, i have a huge and very neat praise to share with you! this is a story of victory: my camera has been found! i was so happy, cause i just started doing this project with the kids in preprimario and kinder, and i really needed pictures of them......but as always, God had his hand on the entire situation (why do i ever doubt it?), and things unfolded in the most unexpected of ways!
one of the boys in 8th grade went up on sunday to profess his new belief in Jesus, which is always a neat thing, but sometimes kids just do it cause everyone else is, and it's hard t

o know if God has really changed their lives, until we see fruit. well, i can honestly say that i have never seen a boy whose life is so completely different! joel (pictured in the green coat) came into the office that very next monday, bringing the camera and confessing that he and another boy had taken the cameras from the school. i was so surprised and thankful - and i couldn't believe the courage it took for him to come and tell! the cameras along with the quantity of money stolen was more than enough that he could never pay back, but God had changed his heart, and he wanted to do the right thing. isn't it amazing

how God works everything out in the end? but of course, He's not finished teaching me to trust Him yet - Miriam (the principal), just asked me if she could use my camera for the 8th grade camping trip. yikes! needless to say, i'm a little hesitant to allow the 8th graders to have my camera once again, but i'm learning that all i have is God's, and He'll do as he likes with it - i should never stand in the way. the best part of this whole story, as far as i'm concerned, is that Joel is a new child of God's, that his heart has been changed, which lead to changing actions and life! what a victory! ......i guess i'd rather have all my stuff get stolen, if it meant that more

kids would come to Christ, hahaha. so praise God for his myriad of blessings, Joel's life, my camera back, and being a step closer to living as Jesus. "All things work together for good, for those who love God, according to His purpose." what satan meant to harm my work here, God turned out for good.....awesome!!
well, have a great week, and may you never stop learning each little thing God wants to teach you!
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