God works in mysterious, incredible ways. My life is just one example.
Dominican Republic
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
A Baptism - God's Beautiful Work
hey, happy july everybody! hard to believe how time flies again....i have only 2 weeks left here in my beloved dominican republic! and every day continues to be filled with incredible experiences. praise God, He certainly never stops working no matter where we are.
this past sunday, my friend alberto was baptised, along with 6 other people from our church, Nueva Vida (new life). it was a long awaited event, and the church was packed out that morning to hear the testimonies of those who were dedicating their lives to Christ. alberto was first, and i'll tell the truth that it brought tears to my eyes as he related his story - how he had met his wife alida, who was a Christian, and they had married; and through her unwavering example, as well as those of his fellow workers at the ANIJA school, he had come to realize his own desperate need for a savior. it was only about 2 months ago that my dear friend gave his life to Christ, and already i have seen an incredible change in the way he lives. praise God for all He is doing here!!
so, after the testimonies, the entire church proceeded to mount on their motorcycles and climb in the back of a few pickup trucks - and we drove down to the jimenoa river on the outskirts of jarabacoa, to watch the baptisms. the sun was so clear, and the water so bright, and we all rejoiced as one by one our new brothers and sisters were raised from the sparkling water to new life and the body singing 'i have decided to follow Jesus' (in spanish of course : ) what a powerful day, filled with joy and celebration.
well, i pray that your week will be as filled with God's blessing as mine has. remember to always rejoice in the work He is doing!!.......and enjoy the video of alberto's baptism!
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