Please Pray!!

Miguelina is a 1st grader here, with a very difficult family life. she lives with her mom and stepdad, in an extremely poor family. today, she came to school, and after eating the banana for snack time, she began vomiting everything up - which unfortunately was just the banana, since she hadn't had anything else to eat yet. strangely, practically by the hand of God, a doctor was here and immediately came and checked her out. he said she had eaten a poisonous fruit that morning, and needed to be taken to the hospital. now, in america, hospitals are comforting places where everyone knows help can be found. not so here. as soon as i heard the word hospital, i knew it was bad news for her - but everyone was panicking and going at a hundred miles and hour, so i carried her while one of the teachers drove us there on her motorcycle. we got to the 'emergency room' quick enough - what a sight. peeling paint, rusty tools, tons of people, vomit on the floor, and a nurse that told us there was no doctor available. in a flood of gr

have a good day, and remember to always be thankful for what we have! ~allison
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