hello everyone, once again - and for the last time.
wow, it's hard to believe a whole year has gone by! thank you all so much for your prayers and support through this past year, as i learned and grew, and witnessed a part of God's work in the Dominican Republic.

i am so thankful for all he did and is doing there!
i left the DR on july 17th - a very difficult day. i hope to go back next summer, for a few months as an intern, and to keep up the relationships i've built there. until then, my plans for the sc

hool year are to attend Desmoines Area Community College to begin my nursing classes. i'll be living in an apartment in ames iowa, with two girls who i haven't yet met, and hopefully furthering the news about God's work in teh DR, and recruiting more help, God-willing! other than that, i don't know what more God has for me, but i hope to learn and serve just as much in these next 4-5 years of school, and would greatly appreciate your continued prayers.

when that's all over, if the Lord gives me the go-ahead, i'll be heading back to the missionfield as a nurse. possibly the dominican, or wherever else He opens a door! i am very excited ab

out what the future will bring; every day is a new adventure! praise the Lord for all His work this year, and we will continue to pray and work alongside this incredible labor of love for the Dominican people. thank you all for keeping up with me and sharing in Gods teaching in my life. God bless you all, and have a wonderful rest of the summer!
In Christ, Allison
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