Wow, it's hard to believe I'm already home from my trip to Zambia, and the summer is progressing onwards! Being in Zambia was such a sweet time for fellowship with brothers and sisters in Chrits from a different county. There is something so incredible about realizing that God is doing His great work all over the world, and I am so privileged to be even a small part of it!

First and foremost, I mostly just want to say a HUGE thank you to all of you for supporting me with your finances and prayers - it was such an amazing encouragement to know that I was bein gbacked by prayer from brothers and sisters here in the U.X. - especially as we made the tedious ourney over there! God was gracious t

o our team in so many ways, by keepin gus safe from any dangerous diseases, from being robbed, from motor accidents...obviously there are many things that can go wrong overseas, but one of the biggest truths I was faced with was the fact that being in the midst

of God's will is the safest place one can ever be, no matter what sit uations one may come up against. So thank you for your prayers, you all were just as big a part of this trip as I was!
Ok, a recap. The first week, we stayed in the capital city, Lusaka, and traveled around to two different schools each day, where we

were assigned a class of ch ildren and we taught the gospel. We teamed up with a group of about twenty Zambian pastors, each of us getting a partner for translation

and who would help us communicate the gospel clearly. My pastor's name was Bitwell Njovu, and what an incredible man of God! I was deeply impressed by the way he lived his life, fully devoting himself, his time, his family, and all his love to the spreading of the gospel message. I truly felt it was a privilege to spend so much time each day in his presence, and learn from his example of true devotion to Christ. The children, too, were so eager to learn of Jesus, and

asked such deep and probing questions that I never would have expected out of anyone so young. It was a true test of my own knowledge about what I believe! Then in the evenings we went into a village not far outside the city and showed the Jesus Film in three parts, giving the gospel message, and

at the end of the week, one of the pastors had started a church in that area. It is such a beautiful thing, to see a people that are not calloused to the gospel of Christ, but instead genuinely understanding their need for a Savior, grateful even that someone would come to tell them the good news! God is doing great things in the Zambian nation, and beginning to bless them for their obedience to Him.