Wow, I'm going to AFRICA. Zambia, to be exact. I can hardly believe the long road God has lead me down, bringing me to this new adventure - one that I may not understand, may not always be willing to follow, but in the end I know that what He will teach me here is going to be worth every hardship and uncertainty. God knows what He is doing.
Oh yes, so welcome back to the blog. I decided to start using it again, just to update you all on my most recent activities in missions, i guess you could say. Although, I don't really consider this year in school as a break from missions by any means - believe me, there are just as many lost people in Ames, Iowa as there are in the Dominican Republic. That being said, I don't have any cute pictures of kids for you all to enjoy, so I decided not to continue blogging till I had something really monumental to put up. ; )

I am leaving for Zambia, Africa this Saturday, the 17th, and I will be returning three weeks from now on June 6th. I'll be going with my new and wonderful church, Cornerstone in Ames, and will certainly be challenged in incredible ways that I don't yet know of. PRAYER IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL!!! I'm sorry, but I cannot stress this enough. My heart is truthfully, still in love with the Dominican, and so it can be difficult sometimes to understand why God would further break my heart for a different place and people - why does He think I am that stron

g? I'm not, but it is with His strength, and the gathered prayers of His miraculous people, that I take on this new adventure. There are buildings to build, children to teach, hospitals to visit, and at this point it all seems a blur. But it will all come to pass in the exact moments that God wants, and I promise I'll give a nice, full update at the end : ) You know, God pours His love into us for a reason - we can't be reservoirs, just storing it all up for ourselves. No, no matter the cost, we must strive to be CHANNELS, so that His love flows straight through, and passes on to those who thirst so badly for it. I am privileged enough to know His love; now I must pass it to those who do not have it. Thank you so much to those of you who are partnering with me with your finances and prayer through this; I am excited to move forward in His will, whatever that ends up meaning. Channels only, Blessed Master!!
At 8:32 PM,
Marilyn Berthel said…
Dad and I are so excited about your opportunity to serve the people of Africa. We are thanking him for your heart. As we entrust you to God, we anticipate many answers and know that you are being used mightily. You are an amazing daughter! Love you, Mom
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