The last week was probably my favorite of all, because we got to spend an entire three days just being with the same group of children. The half of our group that stayed on traveled to Serenje, the site where our church is partnering with the local congregation to build an orphan home. There are so many children that have been orphaned by AIDS, the results are devastating; but God continues to be gracious, and through the church has provided temporary homes for all the children in the area. W

e worked with about 60 children, watching over them and doing a Bible club during the days while their parents took classes from our Cornerstone church leaders that met us there. I can hardly express the way their little faces tugged on my heart, the way their stories tore at my compassion, and how their little hands would slide into mine each day with a smile and a joy that could

only come from the Lord in their lives. They have faced horrific trials, and yet they continue to be thankful for their food, and their clothes, and teh love they receive from us and fr

om their foster parents. I think one of the greatest privileges I've ever experienced, in the Dominican as well as Africa, is being the one that is permitted to love these children, and show them the love fo God - although at times, it seemed that they were doing a better jo

b of showing His love to me. Despite the fact that we could not speak the same language, there is a mutual affection and familiarity between Christians all over the world, and that blessing has never been clearer to me than it was in Africa. Praise God for all the work He is doing there, I only hope that my experience can be a small window for their labor for you as well!
Thank you all again for your support through finances and prayer, your generosity nearly brought me to tears

several times leading up to the trip. God used your help mightily in what He's done, and He will continue to use our prayers. Please keep praying with me for the churches that have been started in Zambia, for the pastors and their families, and for

the many sweet children who still need to be reached with the gospel and the
love of Christ. May the L

ord bless you all as you

move forward in His will!

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