The second week was spent on the beautiful Mount Kazemba, where the mission agency Gospelink is building a Bible college for the many new pastors in Zambia. So many men there are excited about the word of God, but they have no reseources, no teachers, some of them do not even have Bibles to study and learn from - so the mission of th

e college is to bring that infomration to them. What a blessing!

Next year will be the first year that they begin teaching, and so it was our job to finish up building some of the classrooms, cabins, and bathroom facilities that will be used by future students. It was hard work, mostly just laying cement block from sunup to sundowm, but working alongside the Zambian pastors themselves brought such an eagerness and enjoyment to the job, I could have

gone on working with them forever! I also had a chance to spend one day working with the women, cooking over fires and doing laundry in buckets of water - a fun reminder of my time in the Dominican! They are such a beautiful people,

so willing and ready to serve, this was yet another challenge to me: that I examine myself to see if service is truly my goal. Though we spent only a week with these poeple, they showed us a genuine love that came through their service to us. Now God challenges me to do the same, to prove my love for Him and others through service, in both the big things and the small ones.

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